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Print My Documents and Mail Them to Me

When you have documents to print and mail, there are several ways to get the job done. One option is to upload your file to an online printing service, which will then ship it out to a printer at a nearby location. This method is generally the fastest and easiest, but can be expensive if you need to print 500 copies or more of a single document.

Another option is to find a local printing store or shipping center like The UPS Store, Office Depot, or Kinko’s. These locations usually have a printer and can print your documents on demand, and some even offer services like lamination and binding. The UPS Store also offers an online service that lets you upload your document and receive a printing estimate.

If you’re printing in-store, check with the employee to make sure they support email attachments, and that they’ll let you email them the document before they start printing. If they don’t, you can ask them to email it to a different employee, who can then print it before handing it back to you. This isn’t a great solution for sensitive documents, so you should probably avoid it if possible.

If you’re a business or an individual who needs to mail personalized documents, you can upload your PDFs to PostGrade, and use our variable data printing feature to create the perfect printed pieces for your audience. It’s a quick and easy way to send personalized emails, brochures, newsletters, postcards, flyers, or other documents to people you want to reach.




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